The next big thing in small screens

It’s arguable that the LCD was one of the main technologies that made the smartphone possible— maybe even the key
technology. It certainly enabled the first truly mobile computing
devices— the laptops that freed us from desktop PCs and their bulky CRT
monitors. Thirty-odd years later, LCDs are still in the vast majority of
laptops, tablets, smartphones, and all the other various and sundry
products we take for granted now. The minority of these that aren’t
built around LCDs mostly use a relative newcomer, the OLED display. It’s
tempting to think that’s it— that these two technologies will be all we
need, forever.
There are three main areas of concern for a display in this
market: image quality (under a variety of conditions, like indoor vs.
outdoor viewing); power consumption; and physical size and weight. While
any display has to provide a competitive image quality to succeed,
those in mobile devices have to do it while using a bare minimum of
power and being as thin and light as possible. This is what has let OLED
displays get a toehold and to at least start to displace the LCD in
some products. In addition to some possible image quality advantages –
notably in the areas of contrast and viewing angle – OLEDs can be
incredibly thin, lightweight, and, at least with most content, will
generally provide some power benefits over a comparable LCD.
But even OLEDs aren’t perfect. They can lose brightness with age,
and differences in the aging rate across the three colors makes it
difficult to maintain the correct color balance over time. Cost is a
problem too; OLEDs are more expensive than LCDs to produce, which has so
far restricted their use to the upper end of the market. Of course,
neither LCDs nor OLEDs are completely mature technologies – there’s
still a good deal of development going on in both types. But what about
the possibility of a completely new technology coming to the mobile
device market?

There have certainly been a fair number of new technologies
announced over the past decade or so, usually to great fanfare and high
expectations. From the press releases, you’d think that each and every
one was going to be the Next Big Thing, completely dominating the market
within the coming year or so. It never seems to happen though, despite
some major players in the industry investing tens of millions to try to
bring them to commercial success – or even viability.
Some examples: the Dutch electronics giant Philips introduced an
electrowetting display technology (one which works by controlling fluids
via electric charges) several years back, and spun off a new company,
LiquaVista, in 2006 to commercialize the type. Marketed as “LCD 2.0,”
the LiquaVista display was to provide both emissive and reflective
modes, excellent color and viewing angles, and fast response times, all
in a display that could be produced using more-or-less conventional
processes and which would require much less power than a comparable LCD.
The company and its technology was sold to Samsung in 2010, then
Samsung sold it to Amazon in 2013. Four years later, we still haven’t
seen a product using an electrowetting display. But LiquaVista is still a
going concern, at least according to their website, and presumably is
still working toward commercializing the technology.
Other new displays haven’t been so fortunate. Over the course of
seven years (from 2004 to 2011), chip giant Qualcomm bought two
different startups working on two very different microelectromechanical
systems (MEMS)-based displays: the reflective iMOD technology originally
developed by Iridigm, and a direct-view micro-shutter display from
Boston-area Pixtronix. By 2015, the plug had quietly been pulled on both
Another sort of electromechanical-shutter display called the
Time-Multiplexed Optical Shutter (TMOS) was demonstrated by
Houston-based UniPixel Displays, but again failed to make the transition
to commercial production. UniPixel still survives as a company, but one
making optical films and cover glass for the display industry; the TMOS
display apparently long forgotten. Maybe LCDs and OLEDs are going to be
it, at least for as long as we can currently predict. Can any
technology ever hope to displace these two? Could be.
There’s at least one technology still out there which has been
seeing a lot of interest from some pretty big names in the business.
This one promises excellent color, contrast, viewing angle, brightness,
and response time, while being even easier on your battery than the best
examples of either incumbent. What is it? It’s the other type of LED –
the original type. The inorganic, good-ol’-semiconductor form
of light-emitting diodes, the same basic technology that’s now behind
our light bulbs as well as being seen as little red, green, blue, and
white lights blinking on just about every piece of consumer electronics
you can think of.

LEDs provide pretty much everything you’d want in a display
technology. They’re available in a range of colors, including the
all-important (for displays) primaries: red, green and blue. It’s an
emissive technology, so there would be no viewing angle issues with
LEDs. As with the OLED, contrast/dynamic range should be excellent.
Conventional LEDs are far more energy-efficient than either OLEDs or
backlit LCDs. They obviously would require no color filters or
polarizers, and switch on or off in microseconds. What’s not to like?
Actually, conventional LEDs are already the basis of displays
seen by millions every day. It’s just that these are pretty much as far
removed from smartphones and other mobile products as you could possibly
get. They’re the really, really big full-color displays we see today in
sports arenas, as billboards and other digital signage, and now movie
theater screens. (Samsung unveiled the world’s first LED cinema screen, a
4,096 x 2,160 pixel, almost-34-feet-wide installation this past summer
in Seoul). So why don’t we have LED screens in our hands right now?
The problem with using conventional LEDs as the pixels (or
rather, subpixels) in mobile screens isn’t producing the devices in the
almost-microscopic sizes required. It’s trying to put them all together
in a single display. Even a simple 1280 x 720 screen requires nearly three million
separate LEDs, over 920,000 each of red, green, and blue emitters. It’s
not like it’s a simple job just to make them all on a single common
substrate either; LEDs of different colors are made from significantly
different materials.
With the big arena-sized displays, it’s just a matter of placing
discrete red, green, and blue emitters into modules, which in turn are
combined like giant-sized Legos to form the complete screen. But to make
a phone-sized screen, you either need to figure out some way to pick
and place these millions of dust-speck LEDs into an area little bigger
than a playing card (and connect them electrically), or else think of
some way to actually fabricate the three different colors in place.
Neither is an easy task.
Recently, there has been enough progress in making high-res
displays out of LEDs that the industry is taking notice – and in several
major cases, voting with their checkbooks. In 2014, Apple bought LuxVue
Technology, a Santa Clara based developer of micro-LED displays, and
just this past year Facebook (through Oculus VR) acquired the Irish
startup InfiniLED. Taiwanese manufacturing giant Foxconn and its
recently-acquired subsidiary, Sharp, have been major investors in eLux,
itself originally a spin-off from Sharp America in Washington state. And
even Samsung, long a leader in OLED development, is apparently
targeting PlayNitride of Taiwan, another micro-LED startup which had
been expected to start limited production of test panels by the end of
the year, for acquisition. While some industry experts expect
commercialization of micro-LED technology to take as much as five more
years, the involvement of such heavy hitters has the potential to
significantly accelerate the schedule.

While there’s no guarantee LED-based displays will ultimately
displace the currently-dominant LCD and OLED technologies, the
technology is right now well ahead of any of the other challengers which
have come — and gone, in many cases— to knock on the door of the
smartphone market. This is definitely an area that’s going to deserve a
close watch over the next year or two.
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