Study: 4 electronic devices to be used by the daily per capita
Scientific research concluded that the number of electronic devices to be used by the individual to reach 4 per day over the next 3, according to what was reported by the newspaper "Daily Mail" on its website.
The British newspaper said that the electronic devices that study spoke about the Gartnr company include smart phones والتابلت mobile computers and hybrid systems, in addition to the wear.
The study clarified that the number of personal electronic devices in the world will rise to 7.8 billion in 2016, and about 8.3 billion in 2018.
It also expected the Gartnr high prevalence of devices to wear in 2016 at the rate of 20 per cent, on the number of these devices by the year 2019 to more than 1.1 billion device.
"Daily Mail" for the director of research to Gartner Gupta as saying that the high rate of spread of electronic devices for everyone to return to high speed internet networks, relying more on technical assistance in the decision-making process.
The study expected achieving Chinese companies manufacturer smart phones big profits makes them in oil refineries of the major companies will find itself in a fierce competition, the citizenry to innovation in order to be able to withstand.
The British newspaper said that the electronic devices that study spoke about the Gartnr company include smart phones والتابلت mobile computers and hybrid systems, in addition to the wear.
The study clarified that the number of personal electronic devices in the world will rise to 7.8 billion in 2016, and about 8.3 billion in 2018.
It also expected the Gartnr high prevalence of devices to wear in 2016 at the rate of 20 per cent, on the number of these devices by the year 2019 to more than 1.1 billion device.
"Daily Mail" for the director of research to Gartner Gupta as saying that the high rate of spread of electronic devices for everyone to return to high speed internet networks, relying more on technical assistance in the decision-making process.
The study expected achieving Chinese companies manufacturer smart phones big profits makes them in oil refineries of the major companies will find itself in a fierce competition, the citizenry to innovation in order to be able to withstand.
دراسة: 4 أجهزة إلكترونية سيستخدمها الفرد يومياً
24- إعداد: محمد سعد الدين
وأوضحت الدراسة أن عدد الأجهزة الإلكترونية الشخصية في العالم سيرتفع إلى 7.8 مليار في 2016، ونحو 8.3 مليار جهاز عام 2018.
كما توقعت غارتنر ارتفاع نسبة انتشار الأجهزة القابلة للارتداء في 2016 بمعدل 20 في المائة، على أن يصل عدد هذه الأجهزة بحلول عام 2019 إلى أكثر من 1.1 مليار جهاز.
ونقلت "ديلي ميل" عن مدير الأبحاث لدى غارتنر آنشول غوبتا قوله إن ارتفاع نسبة انتشار الأجهزة الإلكترونية لكل فرد يعود إلى ارتفاع سرعة شبكات الإنترنت والاعتماد بشكل أكبر على التقنية في عملية اتخاذ القرار.
وتوقعت الدراسة تحقيق الشركات الصينية المصنعة للهواتف الذكية أرباحاً كبيرة تجعلها في مصافي الشركات الكبرى التي ستجد نفسها في منافسة شديدة، ما سيدفعها إلى الابتكار كي تتمكن من الصمود.
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