'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' world premiere brings Hollywood to a standstill

LOS ANGELES — if you were thinking of taking a leisurely stroll down the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Monday might not be the best day to do it.
Hollywood Boulevard, home to the iconic Grauman's Chinese Theater — one of the handful of locations that showed the original Star Wars on its opening day, May 25 1977 — has been all but locked down in advance of Monday night's out-of-this-world event.
That would be the invite-only first screening of the year's most widely anticipated movie, Star Wars: The Force Awakens — which some industry observers are already calling Hollywood's largest premiere ever.
It's not hard to see why. Six long blocks of this normally bustling boulevard have been blocked off to traffic, and a three block-long white tent has been erected to cover the red carpet where every celebrity Disney can muster will be walking — including the franchise's father, George Walton Lucas Jr.
The star-covered sidewalks have been fenced off, and metal detectors are visible everywhere. The LAPD says that extra vehicle patrols and more officers are being assigned to the area. Security guards are attempting to prevent curious passers-by from taking pictures, and strict dress instructions have been issued to guests.

SW premiere
Metal detectors on Hollywood Boulevard outside the Star Wars tent.
Image: Mashable, Annie Park

"For your safety and security, we ask you leave masks, face shields, or other facial feature obstructing headgear or make-up, as well as light sabers, blasters, or other weaponry (real or simulated) at home," Disney reps told guests in an email.
Security efforts are helped by the fact that it's an unseasonably cold and blustery day in the City of Angels — though that hasn't stopped dozens of hardcore fans from bringing camping chairs and sitting out on the sidewalk a block outside the exclusion zone, hoping to catch a glimpse of their heroes.

SW security
Star Wars security is out in force, keeping curious fans at bay.
Image: Mashable, Annie Park

Guests aren't yet being told which theater or theaters they're seeing the movie in, although the Chinese and the nearby El Capitan, which is owned by Disney, seem like pretty safe bets.
Mashable will be here in force, livestreaming on Periscope and Snapchatting from the red carpet starting at 4 p.m. PST.

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