Why we must save Meals on Wheels

Man receiving meals on wheels
 Meals on Wheels services are fast disappearing but they are still depended on by many elderly people Credit: David Rose 

I heard recently about a lady in her late eighties - let's call her Dora - for whom her Meals on Wheels service was literally a God-send. She lived in the family home with limited mobility and no close relatives nearby. After her husband died, she became rather depressed and couldn't bring herself to cook any more. Getting to and from the shops was tiring and although her neighbours were friendly, they were  busy much of the time. So the lady who came to deliver her meals was often her only daily contact and she very much looked forward to her visits. In fact it was the meals lady who noticed one day that Dora was seriously unwell; delirious and with a raging temperature - it turned to be with cellulitis. She rang for an ambulance and after Dora was treated with intravenous antibiotics in hospital, she got better and was able to return home. 
Unfortunately, for many older people in this situation there is no longer any  Meals on Wheels operating in their area, so nobody would have come to help. A service which was once considered a mainstay of community support for older people and which has always been about much more than just something nutritious to eat,  is rapidly disappearing, along with many other precious local services, including lunch clubs, that help older people to stay fit and well, and connected to the world around them.

Elderly woman eating
An estimated 46,000 older people no longer receive this service
Last week was Meals on Wheels Week, a timely reminder that there are estimated to be around 300,000 people aged 65 and over in England who need help with eating, or who have difficulty eating unaided. The latest findings from the Malnutrition Task Force show that in just three years spending on Meals on Wheels for older people aged 65 and over has fallen by 47 per cent, from £42.1m in 2010/11 to £22.3m in 2013/14. This means 46,000 older people no longer receive a service - and this at a time when our older population is growing.
"Without a hot nutritious meal, an older person's health inevitably suffers and their resilience is often undermined"

Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK
The Government's recent introduction of Direct Payments - under which the needy are allotted a sum of money by councils, to spend on the services they desire -  will in some cases  give older people the option of purchasing from alternative ‘Meals on Wheels’ providers. But cuts to local authority budgets and in turn a tightening of the eligibility criteria for receiving help from social services has meant that this option is not open to all the older people who are likely to need it.
In some areas volunteers have stepped in to keep a meals on wheels-type service going, making a fantastic difference to older people who would otherwise have been thrown back on their own resources. But these initiatives are very patchy and most older people are not lucky enough to benefit.

elderly lady eating alone
In just three years spending on ‘Meals on Wheels’ for older people aged 65 and over has fallen by 47 per cent, from £42.1m in 2010/11 to £22.3m in 2013/14.
Without a hot nutritious meal, an older person's health inevitably suffers and their resilience is often undermined.  Estimates suggest at least a million older people are malnourished or at risk of malnourishment in our communities. This is extremely disturbing, given that the condition is largely avoidable if the right help and support are there.
Malnutrition is often thought to be a condition which only affects people overseas, but the latest evidence published by the HSCIC (Health and Social Care Information Centre) shows it to be a growing problem much closer to home. And sadly, Age UK fears that the prevalence of malnutrition among older people is likely to worsen, given how quickly Meals on Wheels services are being closed down.
At this rate there won’t be any Meals on Wheels provision left at all in a few years’ time. And most worrying of all, this is part of a broader trend whereby the safety net of preventive and community support services for older people is being whittled away by year after year of Government cuts. The Chancellor now has a 'once in three years' opportunity in the Spending Review to begin to reverse the decline and we very much hope he will take it. Because growing numbers of older people need the support of simple but important services like Meals on Wheels. Investing in them makes good economic sense - as well as being the right thing to do for many older people like Dora, who are otherwise often entirely alone.
Caroline Abrahams is the Charity Director at Age UK

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