The Best Social Media Content Discovery Tool Just Got Better

 Are you ready for the DVR of Social Media Content?

IMAGE: Getty Images

When it pertains to receiving relevant content, Nuzzel has social media users covered. Likewise, Nuzzel 2.0 is the perfect app for organizations that want to send their followers relevant content and a personal message. Nuzzel makes the process of finding and sharing relevant content simpler for everyone.
Just when users thought Nuzzel could not get any more amazing, the app does. Yesterday, the company announced a revamped version of their popular social media news app and website.

Better Content Choices

When Twitter created lists for users to make or join, it forgot to insert the better choice options. Thankfully the Nuzzel app and website was created to give users a more sophisticated list of the top articles read or posted by the most influential celebrities, bloggers, businesses, organizations, journalists, and politicians to grace social media.
Nuzzel only extracts the most relevant articles from the social media feeds of users from all around the world.
This is why I fell in love with Nuzzel. Here is my personal Nuzzel feed. And here is a link with all of the feeds generated from all of my Twitter lists. As you can see, it pulls the best content from my highly curated lists of people. What content are those people sharing and reading?! This shows you the signal separated from the noise.

The DVR of Social Media?

Finding the most newsworthy articles on Twitter is hard to do for users that have to dig through the countless jokes, television promotions, political sparring, and gossip posts that have become a guilty pleasure for almost everyone on social media, including the most prestige account holders.
The only option the Twitter and Facebook users were given was to join lists and hope to come across this content--this did not happen because neither of the social media giants fully developed these tools. The other option was to unfollow the non-newsworthy accounts and hope to log on during the times when the relevant articles were being shared. But where is the fun in that?
After all, social media is supposed to be fun! Nuzzel allows users to catch up on what they missed, without weeding through countless posts to find the top content. Real-time is no longer required; users can come online and still find out what their favorite accounts had to say while they were not logged on.

Create Your Own Email Newsletter with Nuzzel's Curated Content

For years, emails were one of the top marketing communications, but the number of emails being sent out from organizations began to drop. This was not due to the lack of interest; it was due to the lack of time or funds to dedicate to this marketing tool. With the emergence of social media, emails could be placed on the backburner and businesses could reach their clients via Twitter and Facebook. However, this was bad for the clients that only used email, instead of activating a Twitter or Facebook account.
This limited the reach of a business, journalist, celebrity, organization, blogger, etc. Many businesses and organizations would love to generate a newsletter for their social media followers, but they do not have the time or resources.
With Nuzzel, these organizations can send a newsletter to their followers, in addition to people that do not have a Twitter account. Creating effective content could take many valuable hours that a business does not have. Thanks to its automated system, Nuzzel can create a new channel for the followers and fans of many organizations, celebrities, bloggers, and businesses.
Nuzzel does the hard work, and they even allow the account holders to post a short message that will accompany the newsletter full of relevant content to their fans.

Content Discovery Convenience? Yes, Please!

This is one of the many advantages of using Nuzzel: convenience. Users can select a specific time that they would like the newsletter to be delivered to their emails. This means users are not inconvenienced; they know exactly when the newsletter will be delivered, each day.
If you want to find out the best content being shared around marketing right now, just search for "Entrepreneurs." It automagically delivers stellar content, perfect for sharing on your social channels.

Transitioning to Nuzzel 2.0

If users do not want to jump right into Nuzzel 2.0, they do not have to. Nuzzel allows its loyal users to continue using this app the same way that they have in the past. This allows users to transition to the 2.0 version when they are ready.
The search feature allows users to search Nuzzel for both feeds and stories. All feeds provide access to the email subscriptions and push alerts, regardless if the user has a Twitter account or not.

Investors Help Raise Millions for Revamped App

The investors were quite pleased with the revamp of Nuzzel's social media news app. They were so
impressed that Nuzzel has been able to raise millions of dollars in funds from new investors, as well as existing investors. Some of the many new investors included Matt Cutts, the head of the webspam team at Google; Akash Greg, director of engineering at Uber; and Darren Herman, vice president of content services at Mozilla.
Nuzzel 2.0 is officially launched, on desktop, iOS and Android, and it is even better than before!
The opinions expressed here by columnists are their own, not those of

Chief marketing technologist, CCP Global

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