Amazon Echo Gets Smarter With Local Business Listings From Yelp
Give Echo an address, and it'll let you know what local businesses are nearby -- plus their addresses, phone numbers, hours of operation and more.
Matt McGeeAmazon’s Echo personal assistant continues to expand its horizons and get more useful with a number of incremental updates, including the most recent one available now that offers local search results from Yelp.
The update was pushed out over the weekend and should be available to all now.
Echo owners can ask the device a number of questions to find out about local businesses — their phone numbers, address, hours of operation and more. To make it work, you first give Echo your address via its associated app and then start asking things like, “Alexa, I need a plumber in Richland, Washington.”
After you ask a question, Echo also offers additional information
(sourced from and credited to Yelp) about the resulting businesses in
its app.
In an email sent to Echo owners, Amazon promises that more local search features like the above are on the way.
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